Electrostatic Potential (Quantum Espresso) - Courtesy of Andrew Doyle
## Tutorial by: Andrew
## Topic: Electrostatic potential in ase-espresso
## dependencies: ase, espresso, pickle
## Generates the data files necessary to analyze
## the charge density and electrostatic potential
## in and around a Pt(100) slab
# Import necessary packages
from ase import Atoms
from ase.io import write
from ase.lattice.surface import fcc100
from espresso import espresso
import pickle
# Generate the representation of the atoms in ASE
slab = fcc100('Pt', size=(2,2,3), vacuum=10.0)
# Create an espresso calculator object
# (Tailor for desired settings and accuracy)
calc = espresso(pw=400 , # Plane wave cutoff
dw=4000, # Density wave cutoff
kpts=(3,3,1), # (rather sparse) k-point (Brillouin) sampling
xc='RPBE', #Exchange-correlation functional
dipole={'status':True}, # Includes dipole correction (necessary for asymmetric slabs)
outdir='pt100_analysis') # Espresso-generated files will be put here
# Attach the calculator object to the atoms
# Perform a static calculation to generate wavefunctions
# Create an image of the atoms
# Get the electrostatic potential
potential = calc.extract_ionic_and_hartree_potential()
# Create and populate output file for electrostatic potential
Now we are done with the intensive calculations. The following scripts will interpret the results and can be run easily on any computer in a matter of seconds.
## Tutorial by: Andrew
## Topic: Plotting electrostatic potential data from
## ase-espresso
## dependencies: pickle, pylab, numpy
## Plots an XY-averaged electrostatic potential as
## a function of Z position through and outside
## a Pt(100) slab.
# Import necessary packages
import pickle
import pylab as plt
import numpy as np
# Retrieves the data generated in the previous script
potential_file = open('potential.pickle')
potential = pickle.load(potential_file)
origin=potential[0] # [X0,Y0,Z0] - The positions of the origin of the cell. Here they are [0,0,0]
cell = potential[1] # [3x3 Matrix] Contains the [x,y,z] components of the 3 cell vectors
cell_x = cell[0][0] # The x component of the first cell vector (Remember: This cell is rectangular)
cell_y = cell[1][1] # The y component of the second cell vector (Remember: This cell is rectangular)
cell_z = cell[2][2] # The z component of the third cell vector (Remember: This cell is rectangular)
v = potential[2] # Contains all real-space potential field points.
## Understanding the architecture of the rest of the
## data can be tricky. Using the variables presented
## here, V(x,y,z)=v[x][y][z].
## First we aim to extract all the information
## available to us, based on numpy's architecture.
n_x = len(v) # Returns the number of entries in the first subset (number of X entries)
n_y = len(v[0]) # Returns the number of entries in the second subset (number of Y entries - choice of '0' was arbitrary)
n_z = len(v[0][0]) # Returns the number of entries in the third subset (number of Z entries - choice of '0' was arbitrary)
potential = [] # Initializes a list for average potentials
# Iterate over all space to average and process potential information
for z in range(n_z):
temp = 0 # Will serve as a partial sum for averaging purposes
for x in range(n_x):
for y in range(n_y):
temp+=v[x][y][z] # Sums the potential at all points in an X-Y plane
temp = temp / (n_x*n_y) # Divides by the total number of points
potential.append( temp ) # Stores the value for average potential at this Z position
# Translates the indices of points along the Z axis into real-space positions
z_coordinate = np.linspace( 0 , cell_z , n_z )
# Plots the data, formats plot
plt.plot(z_coordinate, potential)
plt.xlabel(r'z ($\AA$)',size=18)
plt.ylabel(r'$\langle V \ \rangle_{XY}$ (Volts)',size=18)
plt.title('Electrostatics of Pt(100)',size=18)
# Display plot
# If you'd prefer to save the plot, highlight the line above and uncomment the line below
The end result should look something like this:

Plot self-consistent field convergence data
This script, when run in a quantum espresso job folder, will plot the estimated SCF accuracy and total DFT energy as a function of electronic step. This can be useful for diagnosing weird convergence behavior, or for impatiently waiting for the next ionic step to finish.
import os
import pylab as plt
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt2
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import host_subplot
import mpl_toolkits.axisartist as AA
rydberg = 13.6057 #rydberg to eV conversion
# default to outdir/log if no log is given
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
log = sys.argv[1]
log = 'outdir/log'
filename = 'scf_temp.txt'
filename2 = 'etmp.txt'
os.system('grep scf %s > %s'%(log,filename))
os.system("grep 'total energy' %s > %s"%(log,filename2))
file = open(filename)
lines = file.read().split('\n')
lines = filter(None,lines)
file2 = open(filename2)
lines2 = file2.read().split('\n')
lines2 = filter(None,lines2)
scf = []
energy = []
iter = []
iter2 = []
n = 0
# append scf convergence data from log file to scf
for line in lines:
items = filter(None, line.split(' '))
scf.append( float(items[4])*rydberg )
n += 1
# append total dft energy data from log to energy
n = 0
for line in lines2:
items = filter(None, line.split(' '))
n += 1
energy.append(float(items[3])*rydberg )
# find the plane-wave cutoff from the log file
os.system("grep 'kinetic-energy cutoff' %s > %s"%(log,filename))
file = open(filename)
items = filter(None, file.read().split(' '))
pw = float(items[3]) * 13.606
os.system('rm %s'%filename)
os.system('rm %s'%filename2)
# plot everything nicely
host = host_subplot(111,axes_class = AA.Axes)
par1 = host.twinx()
host.set_xlabel('Number of Iterations')
host.set_ylabel('Estimated SCF Accuracy (eV)',color='red')
par1.set_ylabel('DFT Total-Energy (eV)',color='green')
p1, = host.plot(iter,scf,label='SCF Acc')
p2, = par1.plot(iter2,energy,label='DFT Energy')
plt.xlabel('Number of Iterations')
plt.ylabel('Estimated SCF Accuracy (eV)')
plt.title(r'$PW_{Cut}$=%d eV'%pw)
The output should look something like this, for a nicely converging run with several ionic steps. Multiple ionic step directories will contain all ionic steps in the plot.