SUNCAT Sessions

Time: 8am-9am PT, Monthly

Location: All events currently being held virtually

Registration: See information for each event below. 

The monthly SUNCAT Sessions provide space for cutting edge researchers to discuss their views on the central questions and most promising directions in catalysis research. In each session, two panelists will give a ~15-20 min presentation followed by a ~20-30 min Q&A panel. The Q&A session will be moderated by SUNCAT faculty and staff and include both pre-selected and live audience questions!

  • Our June 2022 SUNCAT Session, Theoretical X-ray Spectroscopy and Activity & Stability of Bimetallic Catalysts, will be held on Thursday, June 23rd from 8-9 am PT. SUNCAT Staff Scientist Johannes Voss will host a session with invited talks by, and discussion between, Prof Claudia Draxl (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Prof. Manos Mavrikakis (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison). Register here.


If you would like to receive reminders about upcoming SUNCAT Sessions events or future SUNCAT Summer Institute meetings, please fill out the web-form here: Subscribe/Unsubscribe

We look forward to hosting SUNCAT Institute events in-person again in the near future, including the SUNCAT Summer Institute in 2023!

Previous events can be browsed in the gallery below: